
The product

Available as Moka, Americano and Espresso versions, each one with its own unique aroma and distinctive flavor.
Packed in easy handling envelopes, equipped with “open and close” zip to keep the product freshness.


The ground Moka is the most traditional and suitable for everyone. The nutty aroma of the hemp seeds is even more strong thanks to the preparation with the classic coffee pot, symbol of Italy, the Moka!
A coffee of light flavor, able to be tasted even in the late evening thanks to its low caffeine content.


The Canafé Americano is suitable to be prepared like a normal herbal tea or using an American coffee machine.
An energy drink able to attend you throughout the day, highly recommended for those who practice sports. As cool drink, it is refreshing, rich in mineral salts and able to renew your energy after physical activity!


For those who are looking for the aroma of a real coffee but with a hazy aftertaste.
The powder Canafé for the espresso machine, more strong, creamy and with an aroma similarly to espresso.


Incontro tra caffè
e Canapa

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